
Director of Xi'an Big Data Center

2024-01-15 07:19:43 围观 : 1576 次


Director of Xi'an Big Data Center


⓵Will the big data center become an administrative unit?
The big data bureau will not become an administrative unit.
The Big Data Bureau is a department-level institution directly under the provincial government.
The main functions are to carry out basic research work on the province's big data development strategy, local regulations, draft rules and standards. To provide support services for the planning and construction, organization and implementation, operation and maintenance of the province's e-government infrastructure. To undertake the provincial government's Data management work such as data, public data, and social data aggregation and integration, sharing and opening, and application integration.

⓶Sichuan Provincial Big Data Center phone number


Its main functions are to carry out basic research work on the province’s big data development strategy, local regulations, draft rules and standards; and to provide services for the planning and construction, organization and implementation, operation and maintenance of the province’s e-government infrastructure. Support services; responsible for the province's government data, public data, social data aggregation and integration, sharing and opening, application integration and other data management work;

Responsible for the province's integrated government service platform, Sichuan government service network and other government services Platform construction and maintenance; carry out application research and demonstration pilots of new technologies and new models such as big data, Internet of Things, and artificial intelligence for government services; promote the construction and security assurance of big data security systems in government systems, etc.

(1) Office. Responsible for the daily operation of the center such as documents, conference affairs, archives, and confidentiality; responsible for emergency response, security, confidentiality, information, publicity, petitions, and the organization and coordination of important activities; responsible for the logistics support of the center.

(2) Policy Research Division. Carry out research on the province's big data development strategy, local laws and regulations, draft regulations, etc., and propose policy recommendations to promote the development of big data; cooperate with relevant departments to promote the optimization of the business environment system, propose government service policies and standard recommendations, and be responsible for the center's compre hensive manuscripts Drafting work.

(3) Planning and Investment Department. Study government information construction standards and specifications, promote the intensification, standardization and standardized construction of the provincial government information system, and provide suggestions for the provincial government to coordinate the provincial government information construction;

According to the entrustment of relevant departments, undertake provincial-level Responsible for the administrative work of government information system filing, providing suggestions and opinions on the construction filing of informatization projects arranged by the provincial budget; overall planning of the center's informatization construction projects, proposing annual construction and operation and maintenance plans, and responsible for organizing the center's government procurement work.

(4) Network Management Office (Sichuan Provincial E-Government External Network Management Center). Coordinate and promote the construction of e-government basic networks, undertake the construction and operation and maintenance management of government intranets and government extranets, promote the integration of industry private networks, and be responsible for the construction and application of government system collaborative office platforms.

⓷The difference between the director of the Municipal Big Data Center and the director of the Data Administration Bureau
The Municipal Big Data Center is a department-level institution directly under the provincial government. Its main function is to carry out the province's big data development strategy and local regulations. , the director of the Municipal Big Data Center belongs to the director level. The Municipal Big Data Development Bureau is basically a division-level unit. The director is a division-level leader and generally serves as the deputy secretary-general of the municipal government.

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