How to replace the graphics card in Huawei server

作者:滕仲尚 | 发布日期:2024-09-21 23:28:01

I、How to install a discrete graphics card in Huawei rh2288v3 server?

Huawei's rh2288v3 server is based on the Intel C600 chipset. It generally uses the chipset's integrated graphics card by default and does not require an external graphics card. Therefore, the graphics device may not be visible in Device Manager.

If you need to use an external graphics card (such as AMD or NVIDIA graphics card), you need to follow the following steps to set it up:

Make sure the server has the graphics card driver installed, which can be obtained from the graphics card official website or Download and install the corresponding driver from the Huawei support website.

"PCISubsystemSettings", change the "EmbeddedVideoController" option to "Auto", and then change the "PrimaryVideoController" option to "PCIe".

Insert the graphics card and connect the necessary power cables. Make sure that the graphics card and riser card are correctly inserted into the PCIe slot, and that the power supply connection on the graphics card is also connected correctly.

Enter the operating system, open the device manager, and check whether the graphics card device can be recognized. If the graphics card device cannot be recognized, you can try to turn off the integrated graphics card by finding and disabling the "Intel(R) HDGraphics" device in the device manager. Then restart the server.

It should be noted that using an external graphics card will increase the power consumption and heat dissipation of the server, and may require additional fans or cooling devices, otherwise the stability and lifespan of the server may be affected. At the same time, you also need to select the appropriate graphics card model and driver version based on specific application scenarios and performance requirements.

II、Why is it not recommended to choose Huawei D16 server?

Huawei D16 is a server product, but in actual use, we do not recommend choosing it. The following are several reasons:

The graphics card does not support

The graphics card of Huawei D16 server only supports integrated graphics cards and does not support independent graphics cards. This will greatly affect the performance of applications that require a lot of calculations such as image processing and deep learning. limit.

Limited storage capacity

Huawei D16 server only supports up to 10 hard drives, and can only use SAS/SATA interfaces. For those who require large-scale storage For applications, storage capacity will be greatly limited and cannot meet demand.

Does not support expansion

Huawei D16 server does not support expansion. If you need to increase the hardware configuration, it can only be achieved by replacing the entire server, which is very cost-effective. It is detrimental to both maintenance and maintenance.

The price is higher

Compared with other brands of server products, the price of Huawei D16 is higher, and it also has problems in terms of performance and scalability. Some shortcomings are not able to meet the needs of users.

Difficulty in maintenance

The maintenance of Huawei D16 server is relatively difficult because its hardware configuration is relatively special and requires professional technicians to maintain and maintain it. And the maintenance cost is also relatively high.

Insufficient brand influence

Although Huawei is a well-known company, its brand influence is not strong enough in the server field. Compared with other Branded server products, users' awareness and trust in Huawei still need to be improved.

Not suitable for small businesses

The performance and price of Huawei D16 server are relatively high, and it is suitable for large businesses. For small businesses, Purchasing this server may exceed your budget and is not cost-effective.